No, the caregivers CHC works together with are not required to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance. However, Workers’ Comp does not provide the consumer protection many are falsely led to believe.

Caregivers referred by Caring Home Care are not mandated to carry workers’ compensation insurance.

Beware of individuals who give false assurances that Workers’ Comp will protect the client from litigation. For honest answers about workers comp, we suggest visiting the website that the Florida Department of Financial Services maintains. Here you can have your Workers’ Comp questions answered in an unbiased manner. Specifically, “Does Workers Comp protect the consumer or employer?”

The most appropriate protection for a client is their homeowner’s insurance policy. Well-written policies should include protection for injuries occurring in the home. There are umbrella policies available that can provide even further protection.

Remember, if no negligence on the part of the client is determined, the client has no legal financial obligation for an injury a caregiver may receive on the job.

Occupational Accidental Insurance is available for caregivers or their clients to purchase should they desire additional Workers Comp type coverage.