• Taking care of an elderly loved one is a huge commitment that requires you to have weighed and analyzed all variables before taking on such a big responsibility. Evaluating a loved one’s living situation will help you make crucial decisions concerning how much assistance your family member needs. Is the Home a Safe Space? Ask

  • Interacting with nature by gardening has therapeutic results on our aging loved ones. Gardening is a low-impact exercise that helps improve a person’s physical and mental health; the therapeutic advantages don’t stop there. Being able to grow your supply of healthy fruits and vegetables is an underrated skill set. Gardening also offers stress relief and

  • Babysitting your grandkids does not have to be a chore – it’s fun! The best part is you don’t have to blow the budget to spend quality time with your grandchildren. Here is a list of our top five picks. Involve the Family Pets A good old game of fetch at the park with your

  • Valentines Day is a celebration of love and affection and should not be reserved for couples alone. That is right, senior citizens can participate in the day’s festivities as well even if their partner is not around. With a touch of creativity and the company of loved ones, you can help seniors celebrate and experience

  • Stress, if left unmanaged, can take a toll on your aging loved one’s physical and mental health. Knowing how to spot signs of stress early on and identify the source will help you formulate an appropriate and effective response plan that includes stress management activities. Here’s what you can do to help an aging loved

  • Taking a simple walk around the neighborhood and attempting to eat healthy foods are two of the most common New Year’s resolutions; however, as our loved ones age, these simple tasks (and many others) could become increasingly difficult goals to achieve. How do you know if your loved one is starting to strugglge? You can

  • As our loved ones gracefully age, we may need to reassess home safety, which includes kitchen safety. Many seniors use the area to socialize as well as prepare meals. While your aging loved ones may still have the energy to make special recipes, they may face new hazardous challenges around the kitchen as they continue

  • Watching a loved one gradually lose his or her memory is heartbreaking. Although growing older is a privilege we want our loved ones to experience, being confronted with dementia is challenging for the loved one and the family. This is an added challenge for family members that take on the role of caregiver. Being a caregiver

  • If you’re someone who handles meal prep for seniors you know that it can save an aging loved one time and money, and give you the peace of mind knowing your loved one is eating nutritiously. Cooking your loved one’s meals ahead of time ensures they have enough prepared food to last a few days

  • In-home care has grown in popularity among families because it allows their loved ones to remain at home rather than move into assisted-living communities. This private care gives them peace of mind that their loved ones are safe and looked after in a place with which they’re familiar. However, it’s not always easy for aging